How Private Investigators Aid Law Enforcement with Your Private Case

It seems like every day of news brings a story about an uncovered crime or missing person that was solved by a private investigator. Most of the time, this is because they worked on their own, but many clients do not realize that private investigators walk a fine line between the role they’ve been hired to complete and that of law enforcement. In many cases, private investigators will have a solid relationship with local, regional, state, and national law enforcement communities that actually aid your case.

However, this does not mean they will risk your private details. The trust and accountability between a private investigator and a client is sacred. This is because if a private investigator is known for divulging critical private information to other parties, they are not likely to get new clients in the future. So what does this relationship look like, and how does it benefit your case?


Coming from Legal Backgrounds

Private investigators are skilled and trained for various circumstances, such as surveillance, background checks, missing persons, and following people. That includes being trained to be respectful of people and their privacy. They often have a criminal justice degree or some other type of training that gives them the skills necessary to work in this field. The training helps them become observant and discreet, allowing them to accomplish their goals without causing harm or raising suspicion with others involved in the case.

The reasons for this expertise is simple, a good percentage of PIs in the world come from law enforcement backgrounds. The number one reason they make the jump from cop or agent to a private investigator is due to perception. A police officer is a “reactive” part of our society. They are most often called after a crime has been committed to returning the peace, gather evidence, and present a case to a district attorney’s office.

A private investigator is different, In many cases, a PI will uncover a crime before it happens or prevent further damage to a person, property, or relationship.

An excellent example of this is child custody. A police officer may be called in if there is a physical dispute between a husband and wife and then let the courts uncover the rest, if at all. A private investigator can gather information in places and find resources to prove how one parent is better suited than the other – to protect the future of the child.

The many private investigators in our network are equipped with the tools and training needed to provide surveillance and investigation services that aid their clients with civil matters such as divorce cases, child custody problems, personal injury cases, employment discrimination claims, and more. Private investigators can even conduct background checks on potential employees or other people recommended for work by friends or family.

Law enforcement cannot conduct these investigations without cause, and even then, they do not have as many resources to ensure it is done over a long period. Their budgets are restricted to local municipality or state taxes. The funding for a private investigator operates differently and includes insights and tools unavailable to most law enforcement.

However, you will likely see a PI working with law enforcement to verify specific details of a case. Most importantly, because of a strong relationship and background, PIs will know how to assemble a case that can be handed over to law enforcement with a bow on top.


Protecting the Accused

Another difference is that police officers present cases based on their perception of the evidence and events they witnessed. This often leaves the accused with very little to corroborate their story.

A private detective can collect physical evidence, including photos, videos, and audio files, which would typically be inadmissible in court due to a lack of chain of custody or being obtained illegally (as is often the case with digital media). They may also be used as an expert witness at trial if necessary by providing their expert opinion on any item(s) recovered during an investigation as well as testifying about specific steps taken during any searches conducted.

This creates a powerful team to help someone falsely accused or needing legal support with added resources. While the private investigator may compare and contrast details with law enforcement, they are hired by you and are working with your case. When you hire a private investigator, they will keep your case 100 percent confidential.

No matter how important the investigation is, private investigators aren’t required to report to law enforcement. Private investigators are not required to tell anyone about their investigation, even if it involves a crime. Private investigators are not required to share their findings with anyone—including law enforcement—if they choose not to do so. Private investigators don’t have any legal obligation whatsoever that requires them to share information or evidence with anyone else in any capacity unless it is outlined by state law.


Easier to Build Trust

The fact that a private investigator is not a police officer makes it easier for them to build trust with clients and witnesses so they can offer information more easily. This means that if you are the victim of a crime or want to find out what happened in an accident, the private investigator will be able to gather all pertinent information and evidence quickly and efficiently.

Private investigators have access to resources that are unavailable to law enforcement officials because they do not suffer from the current climate against law enforcement. Therefore, they can quickly obtain information from people who might be unwilling or unable to speak with a police officer on their behalf.

Whatever your personal feelings about the police, the advantage of having your private investigator working on your case is that this person will work exclusively for you, whereas most law enforcement agencies have many cases going at once and may not be able to focus entirely on yours until after some other pressing matters have been attended to first.

A private investigator can thoroughly and objectively research cases in ways that law enforcement can’t because of their own rules and regulations. As a private citizen, you have the right to hire a private investigator to help with your case. A good example would be if you were wrongly accused of committing a crime or had been the victim of identity theft. Private investigators are not bound by the same rules and regulations as law enforcement entities. They can be more thorough and objective when searching for evidence on your behalf.

They can also be more flexible than sworn officers who must follow strict guidelines while involved in such investigations. For instance, they may spend more time searching through public records or conducting interviews than would normally be allowed by police departments or sheriff’s offices due to budget issues or manpower shortages (especially during off hours).


Where to Get Started

Consider hiring private investigators if you’re involved in a legal case and need independent investigations. These professionals are independent of law enforcement and can investigate your case with no bias or preconceived notions. They can help with both criminal cases as well as family law cases like divorce, child custody disputes, and other matters.

Private investigators also provide valuable services to individuals who are not involved in any legal action but simply want information about someone’s past or present whereabouts for personal reasons. For example, if you’re concerned about whether your adult child is lying about their location after disappearing from home without notice, it may be helpful to hire a private investigator to track them down before making any rash decisions about what might have happened—or whom they may be living with now.

That is where the expert team at Privin Network can help. We have several private investigators with either law enforcement backgrounds or strong working relationships who understand the legal implications of investigating a case while protecting your privacy. Reach out today and experience the difference between dedicated professionals working to ensure your best interests.

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