Employee Investigations Services - Privin Network

Employee Investigations

What Is An Employee Investigation?

Employee investigations are needed for many reasons. It is conducted in response to any illegal activity or complaint during the employee’s current tenure, allegations made against an ex-employee, or checking the background and profiling of a recruit. If the employee doesn’t stick to the company’s policies, goes against the interests of the company, partners with a rival, share confidential information with a third-party, engages in embezzlement, is accused of sexual harassment, causes unwarranted financial loss to the company, etc., employee investigations become necessary.

Privin Consulting Network has unmatched experience with employee and workplace investigations. We would help you get to the bottom of the matter with our experience, knowledge, expertise, resources, and vast network, which an internal HR-led investigation cannot do. It is always better to allow a third-party private investigation team to lead the employee investigation because you don’t want any biased or loose-ended investigation that provides inconclusive results and may negatively beat other employees’ morale.

Privin Consulting Network is well-versed with local and international employment laws and regulations. We carry out our investigation following the local compliance, employment, and workplace-related laws and guidelines. Moreover, we emphasize confidentiality and discretion and ensure the investigation is carried out discreetly as per the client’s requirements.

Privin Consulting Network caters to a wide range of employee, workplace, and corporate investigations, including –

  • Contraband/Drug Distribution
  • Supervisory Ineffectiveness
  • Time Theft
  • Embezzlement
  • General Theft
  • Phony Sickness/Injury
  • False Personal Injury Claim
  • Workplace Bullying and Harassment
  • Improper Disclosure
  • Neglect of Duty
  • Kickbacks
  • Substance Abuse
  • Workplace Impropriety
  • Misappropriation
  • Vandalism
  • Computer Violations
  • Forgery
  • Dishonest or Fraudulent Acts
  • Improper Safety Practices
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Privacy and Trust Breach

What We Do?

When you hire us for employee investigations, our licensed investigators would broadly consult with you to understand the case and devise an actionable and result-oriented investigation plan. Once the plan is in order, our tech and on-field investigators would swing into action to implement the strategy using the collective power of our huge network, resources, advanced investigative tools and equipment, and more. The process and route we take for the investigations vary from a case-to-case basis but can be categorized into –

  • Physical Surveillance
  • Online Surveillance
  • Witness Testimony
  • Interview Witnesses
  • Undercover Investigations
  • Background Check
  • Litigation Search
  • Police Records Search
  • Social Media Search and Monitoring
  • Public and Private Records Search
  • Hidden Assets Search and Tracking
  • Financial Records Search and Monitoring
  • Travel History
  • Judgments
  • Criminal and Civil Records Search
  • Property Search

We go to lengths to ensure that you get the hard and court-admissible evidence for lawful termination or file a lawsuit based on merit. Not doing proper investigation and finding material evidence beforehand may result in further consequences and enhance the employer’s liability if faced with unlawful termination lawsuits. Trust Privin Consulting Network to get you the truth and help you resolve the case professionally.

Talk To Our Investigators

Regardless of the reasons why you need employee investigations, relying on an internal investigation or not doing any investigation at all can result in far-reaching consequences that can disrupt your and the organization’s future irreversibly.

Our Process

Complete our Free Consultation Form:

To begin, please fill out our consultation request form online to speak with one of our private investigators. Our in house agents will then tailor the investigation with action yielding objectives to reach your results.


Connect With One of Our Private Investigators:

A private investigator may field the inquiry prior to reaching out in order to understand the situation and prepare. Questions asked by the agent may be one or all of the following:

  • Does this investigation have reasonable purpose?
  • Where is the Subject or Matter located?
  • Can you provide specific information in which you are seeking to obtain?
  • Do you have any knowledge or intel that you would like our agents to investigate further?
  • What information on the Subject or matter have you found already?
  • Would you like any close associates or persons investigated as well?

Your Investigation:

Once a case action plan has been identified, your assigned private detective will begin the investigation. An example of the investigative process may look like such:

  • Immediate Action. Your case will be immediately assigned and work will begin within the first 12-24 hours.
  • Corroborating facts. Is the information provided to the investigator sound?
  • Execution of Case Action Plan. We assign the most fit investigator to achieve the most valuable results.
  • Case Action Updates. Your investigator will provide you with status updates and obtained information regularly.
  • Facts. After obtaining the information sought after, we comb through the case file and ensure no steps or information had been missed.
  • Final Report. Compiling your case report may be the most crucial part. We ensure professionalism and accuracy.

Our team of highly trained professional investigators will obtain information on the specific person or object. Actions in accordance with legal guidelines, time tailored for your case, and proper reporting are all necessary for a private investigator to fulfill a proper investigation. Premarital investigations may require additional time outside the 4 hour minimum that PRIVIN has in place to conduct a professional investigation.


Completion of Your Case:

The investigator assigned to your Employee Investigation case will provide you with a written report for you to review. Additionally, the report is reviewed by the client and investigator for accuracy. Any questions the client may have will be answered accordingly.

Being the professionals that we are, in the event that the client requests the assigned agent to appear in court, we are able to coordinate the evolution.

Confidentiality is paramount and therefore all communication between a client, and the assigned investigators will be kept Confidential.