Hidden Assets | Hidden Asset Investigator - Privin Network

Professional Hidden Assets Investigation

Hidden Asset Investigation

Privin Network can handle hidden assets investigations meticulously and professionally with our years of experience and vast network spanning across 150+ countries. Asset investigations are typically conducted to determine the real breadth of the assets a subject has, especially during a divorce or other lawsuits where assets need to be declared before the court can give its verdict. Hiding assets is a common occurrence in the United States. Thanks to the age of information we live in and modern technology, it is impossible to keep assets hidden anymore.

While a layman may not always find out hidden assets, a subject has ordinarily, licensed and experienced private investigators at Privin Consulting Network can. With our on-field surveillance and technical expertise, we can easily locate the subject’s investment accounts, properties, stocks, and off-shore bank accounts, companies owned by the subject, vehicles, bank accounts, businesses, land, and more. Our access to public and private databases and major data aggregators, which are out of reach for common people, helps us acutely with hidden assets investigations.

Privin Consulting Network is one of the few locally and internationally accredited investigative firms in the country. It helps us span through our off-shore networks to find any hidden assets or business activities in a foreign land or a different state.


What Does An Asset Investigation Entail?

People hide assets during a divorce, personal lawsuit, personal injury lawsuit, and other cases of similar nature. Why? The court gives its verdict based on the subject’s assets and income to the opposite party. If the declared assets are less, the court will grant a much lesser compensation than it actually should have. It helps the subject safeguard their assets illegally while victimizing the other party unjustly. Privin Consulting Network carries out exhaustive asset investigations on behalf of clients to unveil any assets that are not legally declared. Our findings are court-admissible always and are results of investigations carried out legally and ethically.

Common Reasons For Asset Searches:

While asset searches can be done for many reasons, it is most commonly required for the following reasons –


Suppose you suspect your partner is defrauding you, stealing from the company, collaborating with a rival unethically, or doing another business on the side. In that case, our private investigators can reveal the entire list of hidden assets of the subject for you through in-depth search and investigation.

Estate and Trust 

It is not uncommon to doubt that Executors have misused their authority to misappropriate the funds or taken more than they are entitled to. Our team of licensed private investigators can conduct surveillance, background search, financial records search, and more to know the extent of loss and unearth hidden assets of executor and other parties that are part of estate or trust.


In divorce cases, the subjects often hide assets to leave the marriage without paying proportionately as the court may decide. In case of any suspicion, an immediate investigation is essential to track hidden assets and finances before they disappear into thin air.

Child Support

It is often seen after divorce or separation that one parent tries to find ways to reduce or not give child support. It is done by making various excuses like low-earnings, business loss, health and medical care expenses, business failure, and more. Investigative consultants at Privin Consulting Network can implement strategic and covert investigative measures to reveal hidden assets and provide you with a comprehensive report with hard evidence that is court-admissible.

Our Process

Complete our Free Consultation Form:

To begin, please fill out our consultation request form online to speak with one of our private investigators. Our in house agents will then tailor the investigation with action yielding objectives to reach your results.


Connect With One of Our Private Investigators:

private investigator may field the inquiry prior to reaching out in order to understand the situation and prepare. Questions asked by the agent may be one or all of the following:

  • Does this investigation have reasonable purpose?
  • Where is the Subject or Matter located?
  • Can you provide specific information in which you are seeking to obtain?
  • Do you have any knowledge or intel that you would like our agents to investigate further?
  • What information on the Subject or matter have you found already?
  • Would you like any close associates or persons investigated as well?

Your Investigation:

Once a case action plan has been identified, your assigned private detective will begin the investigation. An example of the investigative process may look like such:

  • Immediate Action. Your case will be immediately assigned and work will begin within the first 12-24 hours.
  • Corroborating facts. Is the information provided to the investigator sound?
  • Execution of Case Action Plan. We assign the most fit investigator to achieve the most valuable results.
  • Case Action Updates. Your investigator will provide you with status updates and obtained information regularly.
  • Facts. After obtaining the information sought after, we comb through the case file and ensure no steps or information had been missed.
  • Final Report. Compiling your case report may be the most crucial part. We ensure professionalism and accuracy.

Our team of highly trained professional investigators will obtain information on the specific person or object. Actions in accordance with legal guidelines, time tailored for your case, and proper reporting are all necessary for a private investigator to fulfill a proper investigation. Asset investigations may require additional time outside the 4 hour minimum that PRIVIN has in place to conduct a professional investigation.


Completion of Your Case:

The investigator assigned to your Hidden Asset case will provide you with a written report for you to review. Additionally, the report is reviewed by the client and investigator for accuracy. Any questions the client may have will be answered accordingly.

Being the professionals that we are, in the event that the client requests the assigned agent to appear in court, we are able to coordinate the evolution.

Confidentiality is paramount and therefore all communication between a client, and the assigned investigators will be kept Confidential.