Do I Really Need to Hire a Private Investigator?

In today’s digital world, it seems easier than ever to find information about another person or situation. Maybe we want to confirm our suspicion that the guy who moved in two doors down is a pedophile or that our boss is secretly cheating on his wife with the person that got the promotion instead of us. Sometimes a little online search pulls up all the information we need to be satisfied.

In many other cases, it is necessary to have a professional private investigator who understands the nuances of legal evidence and can navigate the bespoke tools to complete their work. There seems to be no middle ground – either you need an investigator, or you do not. Most of the time, this is because you are in danger, see potential harm, or are in a situation that the police cannot or will not help with because they do not have the resources.

In those cases, hiring a private investigator can offer you the expertise needed to ensure you reach a conclusion that keeps you safe and provides you with all the details for the closure you need.

A quality private investigator can help you:

  • Discover the whereabouts of a company or individual
  • Ensure you have hired the right person
  • Verify the identity of a potential lover
  • Learn the cause of wrongdoing or threats
  • Protect you and your family from online threats
  • Bug sweeping services
  • And so much more.

What Type of Work Does a Private Investigator Do?

A quality team of private investigators like ours at Privin Network offers a one-stop shop for a wide range of needs and services. While we offer specific features around situations like background checks or surveillance, more often, we tailor our skills and experience to the client’s individual needs. In general, people seek our services for:

Background Investigations

Employers, law firms, and private citizens want the reassurance that the person they are engaging with is actually authentic. Sometimes a quick online search pulls up enough information to verify things like where they have worked and went to school, but a more inclusive background search is required to uncover debts, criminal activity, or poor professional references.

This is not just for employers who want to make sure the manager they are hiring has actual managerial experience. It is also for the bride hoping the man she is about to marry really is a doctor from Switzerland and not a thief waiting to steal all her inheritance. It may seem dramatic, but it happens more often than you think.


Many married couples suffer from infidelity concerns. They have suspicions but do not want to confront their spouse without proof. In those cases, they hire our team to make sure that a weekend trip to the golf course does not include a certain coworker who has been commenting and liking all their spouses’ recent social media activity.

This is a service equally important for identity verification or corporate activities. We have been asked to watch and document activities in public places of all kinds that even catch our veteran military and law enforcement team members by surprise. Trust is a serious issue in our society, and we are here to help you verify your suspicions or offer you the peace of mind that everything is on the up and up.

Location Services

We have worked with law enforcement and legal firms just as much as private individuals to discover the whereabouts of individuals and companies. This could be to serve official papers or to reconnect with long-lost family members. In every case, our role is to identify the correct information about the individual so that there is no doubt they are who they say they are and are living in a specific location where they can be reached.

Corporate Services

We are frequently engaged to work with businesses seeking information about employees, business partners, investments, and insurance claims. The sad reality is our overly litigious society exists for a reason. Many people will take advantage of large businesses because they think they will go unnoticed from prosecution. That could not be further from the truth.

Professional private investigators like our team will uncover the reality of the situation and then send all our documentation to the client for their use. This often results in criminal cases or civil lawsuits because someone involved in the situation is seeking to steal, mislead, or defraud a company.

Family Services

One of the more emotionally challenging situations to hire a private investigator for involved child custody. We work hard to perform the due diligence necessary to show all the information you may be seeking on a parent suffering from drug addiction, mishandling their personal finances, or are in another situation that may not be the healthiest for the children.

Do Private Investigators Get Personally Involved?

This is a hard topic to approach because we at Privin Network cannot speak to the rest of the industry, only from our personal perspective. For us, we rely on the professionalism taught by our members with extensive military, law enforcement, and legal backgrounds. We are constantly doing what we can to stay up to date on the latest regulations and standards of our industry to ensure we are delivering excellent service without bias towards anyone involved.

To be honest, we prefer to not be personally involved. It makes the work easier to stick to the facts as they are uncovered than to form an opinion about one person or another. In many cases, having an opinion could cloud the judgment of a private investigator. Whether we are dealing with a child custody case, business fraud, infidelity, or identity theft, the best policy is to stay removed from anything other than our job role.

Why Can’t the Cops Do the Work?

We have a deep appreciation for the incredibly challenging work of law enforcement regardless of their position in the current justice system. However, the job of a police officer is endless and often exposes them to the worst of the worse in our society. That kind of challenge is next to impossible to overcome because there is no comprehensive training to handle every case that comes across your desk.

For private investigators, things are different. We do not have a caseload that overwhelms our resources. We can say no to a case we know either is not entirely legal or will end in a situation that exposes us to danger. That means we have more resources available to focus on any single case at a time.

Privin Network can spend the time to dig into whether or not you are being stalked. We have the IT support to verify your employee is committing fraud. We can uncover who that business owner is so you can serve them with papers for stealing your IP. Police often get a break in a case and then have to stop to go handle another emergency.

This is also why we work closely with law enforcement. It is incredibly rewarding to present a case that has been thoroughly investigated with all the verifiable documentation necessary for police to make an arrest or refer us to the courts.


What if I Do This On My Own?

There are many situations where you can find the information you want by yourself. However, when it comes to surveillance, tracking official documents, or conducting a legal investigation, most citizens are either undertrained or prohibited from such activities. We are a fully licensed and experienced team of private investigators that understands the parameters of our business. We know what lines we cannot cross and do not get personally involved in the situation.

Many individuals feel passionate about what is happening to them because they are dealing with the repercussions. That can lead to bad outcomes because they end up crossing legal boundaries that can end in criminal charges. It is always better to leave the harder cases to professionals so you can get the protection you need without the risk.


Okay, Where Do I Begin?

To hire a private investigator from our expert team at Privin Network, start by sending us an email through our contact form or scheduling a consultation by giving us a call. We will conduct an in-depth interview to understand the full outline of your personal situation and then come up with an actionable plan that outlines the steps we will take. We want you to feel completely involved in the situation and will update you every step along the way.

With Privin, you get access to some of the best in the industry. Give us a call today!

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