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Will Pretexting Be A Thing Of The Past?


Pretexting Be A Thing Of The Past The FCC has recently released a mandate in reference to pretexting and the phone companies guidelines to implement

Obtaining all of the facts necessary to put a case together can be one of the most trying tasks for a private investigator to undertake. Observing

Are Private Investigators Worth It? I get asked this question quite frequently. “Are Private Investigators Worth It?” The answer

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Elon Musk’s Defamation Lawsuit and The Role of Private Investigators


Defamation lawsuits can be complex and stressful for everyone involved. The recent lawsuit against Elon Musk by Ben Brody is a good example

Are Private Investigators legal? A Global Investigative Look


Private investigators, often shortened to “PIs,” have captured the public’s imagination for years. Whether portrayed in films,

Why is Digital Forensics Important


In today’s digital world, every online action people take leaves a trace. These traces can sometimes reveal clues about cybercrimes like

Examples of Insurance Frauds and How Investigators Help Uncover Truth


Insurance scams are more prevalent than many realize. From staged car accidents to exaggerated home damages, these frauds impact the bottom line

What is Insurance Fraud: Legal Risks, Detection, and PI Expertise


Billions of dollars are siphoned off the insurance industry annually due to fraud, hiking up premiums and burdening honest policyholders. The

Cyber Crime on the Rise: FBI Recovers $2M in Crypto Assets Over 3 Months!


A recent public filing by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has drawn attention, unveiling their operations over three

What is Cohabitation? From a Private Investigator


In today’s rapidly changing world, the traditional path of dating, engagement, and marriage is no longer the only option for couples seeking

What Personal Assets are Protected in a Lawsuit?


In the ever-complex landscape of legal and financial disputes, one question that often comes up time and time again is, ‘What Personal

Online Reputation Management: A Comprehensive Guide


In a world where almost everything is digitized, your online reputation often acts as your first impression. It’s the deciding factor that

How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Private Investigator? A Comprehensive Guide


Whether you are an individual seeking answers to personal matters or a business requiring specialized investigative services, asking yourself,

How to Protect Yourself Against Cybercrimes


Did you know that every 39 seconds, a cyber-attack occurs somewhere in the world? In our modern digital era, cybercrimes are no longer something

Investigating Internet Defamation: Tips and Tools for Social Media Investigations


In today’s digital world, internet defamation has become a growing concern. False and damaging statements made online can tarnish reputations,