What is a Private Investigation?

What is a Private Investigation?

Private investigators have the skills and technology to get to the bottom of any situation. They unearth hidden truths and use their investigative techniques to unravel mysteries that might otherwise go undiscovered. Although many think of detectives as operatives who work for police departments, most private investigators work independently or for small companies.

So what does it take to become a private investigator? What kind of cases do they handle? And why would anyone hire one in the first place?

A Private Investigator Uncovers the Truth

When you need to uncover the truth about someone or something, a private investigator can help.

Private investigators are sometimes called “surveillance experts.” This is because they use tools like hidden cameras and listening devices to gather evidence in court. They also interview people and write reports on what they find out. In some cases, they might even follow someone to see what they’re doing. A private investigator can be hired by lawyers, insurance companies, or individuals who want information about someone else’s activities (or lack thereof).

A private detective’s goal is to find out as much as possible about your subject so that you have enough information to make an informed decision or take legal action if necessary. This evidence can be presented in a way that will make it clear how important it is for you to take action right away.

Where Do Private Investigators Work?

Private investigators can work for the government, law firms, corporations, and individuals. Most private investigators are not licensed by their state, but they must be authorized to carry a gun.

Private Investigators work in all areas of the country and have worked on cases involving:

  • Cheating spouses
  • Missing persons
  • Embezzlement
  • Computer theft
  • Harassment and slander suits
  • Divorce proceedings
  • Insurance fraud
  • Employee theft
  • Business espionage (stealing trade secrets)
  • Professional malpractice claims against lawyers or doctors
  • And much more!

Private investigators also specialize in many cases, so you want to be sure to contact a team with direct knowledge and expertise in your specific needs.

What are the Requirements to Become a Private Investigator?

You can become a private investigator if you meet the following requirements:

  • Be 18 years old or older.
  • Be a citizen of the United States.
  • Have a high school diploma or GED (General Education Development).
  • Pass a criminal background check.
  • Pass drug test.

As far as your driving record, there are no specific laws on what it records you must have to qualify for your license, but some states may require that you have no moving violations within six months prior to the date of application.

The drug and criminal background can also be a grey area depending on your expertise. Many private investigators work with private contractors who have a background that would preclude them from attaining certification. Computer hackers are a fantastic example of this situation.

What Happens During a Private Investigation?

A private investigator investigates a case on behalf of the client. This means that the investigation is conducted for the client’s benefit, not for publication or broadcast to the general public.

To complete an effective private investigation, you must be able to gather evidence and then analyze it to draw conclusions about your subject. The process of gathering evidence begins with research – either online or through interviews with sources who know relevant information regarding your case.

After this preliminary research phase has concluded, you’ll have enough information from other sources that you can begin interviewing witnesses and subjects themselves (if they are willing). During these interviews, discuss with each person how they were affected by whatever problem led them to call a private investigator in the first place; what did they see? What did they hear? How did it affect their lives?

By asking these questions during interviews with potential witnesses and subjects as well as through online searches on databases like LexisNexis®, you will begin building a comprehensive picture of why this issue arose in the first place as well as its impact on people involved in its occurrence.

Are Private Investigators Lawyers?

Private investigators are not lawyers. For the most part, they are people with a background in law enforcement or security who have found that they can make more money and maybe get more of a thrill by operating on their own rather than working for an agency.

A few private investigators do have legal training and may even be licensed attorneys themselves. Some agencies will hire an attorney to work as part of their investigative team, but this is rare, and these attorneys generally work outside of the office environment.

In addition to gathering evidence for use in court cases or administrative matters, many private investigators will consult with attorneys when discussing specific legal issues related to their investigations or findings.

There are several different types of private investigators, each with their own areas of expertise and focus. Some common types of private investigators include:

  • Criminal investigators:These private investigators focus on investigating crimes and gathering evidence for use in criminal cases. They may work for law firms, private companies, or individuals to gather and analyze information related to criminal activities.
  • Corporate investigators:These private investigators are hired by businesses to conduct investigations related to corporate fraud, employee theft, or other internal matters. They may also be hired to conduct background checks on potential employees or investigate suspected intellectual property theft cases.
  • Personal investigators:Personal investigators are hired by individuals to conduct investigations into personal matters, such as infidelity, child custody disputes, or missing persons cases.
  • Fraud investigators:Fraud investigators are hired by businesses or individuals to investigate suspected fraud cases, such as insurance fraud, credit card fraud, or investment fraud.
  • Forensic investigators:Forensic investigators specialize in collecting and analyzing physical evidence, such as fingerprints, DNA, and other forensic evidence, to solve crimes or assist in legal cases.
  • Technical surveillance countermeasures (TSCM) investigators:TSCM investigators, also known as bug sweep investigators, specialize in detecting and locating electronic surveillance devices, such as hidden microphones and cameras. Businesses or individuals often hire them to conduct bug sweep investigations to protect against electronic surveillance threats.
  • Computer/Cybercriminal Experts: These are individuals with extensive computer backgrounds and training to successfully track and explain computer crimes in court.

Who Hires Private Investigators?

Private investigators are hired by attorneys, insurance companies, business owners, and individuals to investigate a wide range of situations. Law enforcement agencies can also hire them when they require information from investigations that private individuals or corporations cannot provide.

Private investigators are able to assist many different types of people as well as businesses in obtaining information about their targets.

For example, a private investigator might be hired by an attorney to find out if his client has been falsely accused by another person or company. This is done so that objective evidence can be presented in court.

Another common reason for hiring a private eye would be for insurance purposes. If someone’s vehicle was stolen and they have not yet filed an official claim with their insurer, then the insurance company will not pay them any money until they have gone through all of their legal requirements under state law.

Work with Our Professional Team

Private investigators have the skills, technology, and tools to get to the truth behind any situation.

If you want your private investigator to collect evidence in your case, they are experts at doing so. They know how to gather the information that will help with the analysis and presentation of their findings. If there is a person involved who may not be honest or forthcoming with information, they employ the use of various methods to uncover the truth.

Our team at Privin Network can uncover the details of your personal, business, or agency situation. We have the experience, background, and professional expertise to ensure your case is handled with the utmost sensitivity and detailed oriented techniques. Contact us today to get started.

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