How Insurance Companies Work with Private Investigators | Privin Investigations

How Insurance Companies Can Work with Private Investigators

Did you know that according to the Coalition Against Insurance Fraud, insurance fraud costs the U.S. industry over $308.6 billion annually?

Insurance companies often face claims that require more than just paperwork to verify their legitimacy. Fraudulent claims cost the industry billions of dollars every year, prompting insurers to take extra steps to ensure they aren’t being deceived. One of the most effective tools insurance companies use to investigate questionable claims is to hire a private investigator (PIs). 

Private investigators work with insurance companies to gather evidence, conduct surveillance, and ensure that policyholders’ claims align with the facts. In this article, we’ll explore how and when insurance companies hire private investigators, the legalities involved in their work, and FAQs surrounding this collaboration. 

Do Insurance Companies Hire Private Investigators?

Yes, insurance companies hire private investigators when they need to verify the accuracy and legitimacy of a claim. Private investigators are brought in to provide an independent, detailed assessment in case of a large financial payout or a suspicious claim. Their findings help insurance companies determine whether the claim should be approved or denied based on concrete evidence.

When Do Insurance Companies Hire Private Investigators?

Insurance companies rely on private investigators in specific cases where there is suspicion of fraud or where more information is needed to validate a claim. These include:

  1. High-Value Claims

When an insurance company is facing a large payout, such as in life insurance or personal injury cases, private investigators are hired to thoroughly investigate the situation. They look into the claimant’s activities to ensure that the claim is genuine before any funds are released. 

PIs conduct surveillance and gather evidence to determine whether the claimant’s activities align with their reported injuries or damages.

  1. Disability and Long-Term Claims

For long-term disability or worker’s compensation claims, private investigators are tasked with verifying that the claimant is truly unable to work. They observe the claimant’s activities and gather evidence to confirm that the individual’s lifestyle aligns with the reported disability. All in all, Private Investigators ensure the legitimacy of the claim before the insurance company release large sums of money.

  1. Worker’s Compensation Claims

Private investigators are brought in to assess claims related to workplace injuries. They help ensure that the injury is legitimate and not exaggerated by the claimant. Surveillance is often used to observe whether the claimant’s daily activities contradict their reported injuries.

Additionally, in cases where claims are unusually complex or involve several parties, private investigators can provide a detailed review of the situation to ensure fairness and accuracy.

  1. Property Damage and Theft Claims

In cases of property damage or theft, PIs investigate whether the claim is authentic. They look into the claimant’s history, conduct interviews, and verify the circumstances to ensure the claim isn’t fraudulent. 

  1. Suspicious Behavior or Inconsistencies

If a claimant’s story changes or shows inconsistencies, insurance companies turn to private investigators to find the truth. PIs conduct thorough investigations to reveal any red flags and verify the accuracy of the claim.

If a claimant’s story has inconsistencies or shows signs of deception, private investigators step in to verify the facts and expose potential fraud.

How Private Investigators Help Insurance Companies?

Private investigators provide insurance companies with critical evidence that supports or disputes claims. Their work is focused on uncovering the truth and protecting insurance companies from paying fraudulent claims. 

Here’s how they do it:

  1. Surveillance

Private investigators monitor claimants and document activities that contradict claims. For example, if someone claims disability but is seen engaging in physically demanding activities, this evidence can be used to dispute the claim.

  1. Background Checks

PIs conduct thorough background checks on claimants to uncover any history of fraudulent claims, criminal records, or other activities that could indicate deception. This information helps insurance companies make informed decisions.

  1. Public Records Research

Investigators access public records to verify the details provided in the claim. This includes checking property ownership, vehicle registration, and other records to ensure everything aligns with the claim’s narrative.

  1. Interviews with Witnesses

Private investigators interview witnesses to the incident or accident in question. This allows them to gather independent accounts of the event, which can either support or contradict the claimant’s story.

  1. Digital Footprint Investigation

PIs are also adept at monitoring social media and online activity. They check for posts, photos, or videos that may contradict the claimant’s injuries or statements, providing valuable evidence to the insurance company. Private investigators also work with police to help with ongoing investigations. Read more about how Private Investigators Help Police here.

Legalities and Limitations of Working with Private Investigators for Insurance Claims

Private investigators operate within strict legal frameworks to ensure that their work is compliant with state laws and privacy rights. Insurance companies must ensure that the PIs they hire follow these guidelines to avoid legal complications.

  1. State Laws and Privacy Rights

Each state has its own laws governing what private investigators can and cannot do. For example, in California, PIs are prohibited from conducting secret surveillance without consent in certain situations. Insurance companies must hire PIs familiar with these laws to avoid legal complications.

  1. Permissible Activities

PIs can conduct surveillance in public places, monitor online activities, and gather evidence from public records. However, they cannot trespass on private property, access unauthorized private data, or engage in unlawful activities to obtain information.

  1. Legal Compliance

It’s crucial for insurance companies to work with investigators who follow legal procedures. Any evidence gathered illegally can be thrown out in court and can expose the company to legal liabilities. Read more about how Private Investigators differ from detectives in our guide here. 

FAQs About Insurance Companies and Private Investigators

Q: Can private investigators legally conduct surveillance?

Yes, PIs can legally conduct surveillance in public places. However, they must follow state laws and respect privacy rights.

Q: How much does it cost for an insurance company to hire a private investigator?

The cost varies depending on the complexity of the case, but insurance companies typically spend between $50 to $200 per hour for PI services.

Q: What happens if a PI uncovers fraud?

If a PI uncovers fraudulent activity, they report their findings to the insurance company. This can lead to the claim being denied and the claimant facing legal consequences.

Q: Do private investigators work on all types of insurance cases?

PIs primarily handle cases involving fraud suspicion, high-value claims, and complex claims that require additional evidence.


Private investigators play a crucial role in helping insurance companies uncover the truth behind suspicious claims. Through surveillance, interviews, and background checks, PIs assist insurers in protecting their assets and avoiding fraudulent payouts. By adhering to legal guidelines and ensuring transparency, insurance companies can confidently rely on PIs to validate or dispute claims, ensuring a fair and accurate claims process. Privin offers assistance with insurance claim investigations. Contact us for a free consultation to discuss your specific needs and learn how we can assist you in achieving your investigative goals!

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