How a Private Investigator can Ensure Your Nanny’s Background

You’ve just hired a nanny, and you already have your fingers crossed that this new hire will be the best. You know that you need to do everything possible to ensure her background checks out and that she’s trustworthy. But what if you don’t know where to start?

If you are like most parents, your first thought is to do a bit of digging online and maybe call a few references. However, a far more reliable solution is to hire a professional private investigator who understands what red flags to keep an out for during various background checks.


Why Knowing Your Nanny’s Background is Important

As a parent, you want to know that the person watching over your child is trustworthy and reliable. Unfortunately, this can be difficult when it comes to nannies. The fact is, the entire hiring process for nannies can be very confusing—and not just for you. It’s also challenging for agencies that are tasked with finding qualified applicants for families like yours. They need to verify their backgrounds as thoroughly as possible when hiring them on your behalf. However, many things can go wrong during an investigation into a candidate’s past.

You’re making the right choice by hiring a nanny. Whether you need help with chores around the house or want to spend more time with your kids, a nanny is a great way to relieve some of that stress. But before you hire one, you must ensure her background is as clean as possible.

While there are various ways to check out a prospective nanny’s past, we recommend hiring an independent investigator who specializes in working with families. The most important thing for parents looking into nannies is knowing who they are and what they do when no one else is looking. That’s where private investigators excel at their jobs.

A well-trained PI knows how best to conduct interviews and interrogations and will go above and beyond what any other vetting service can offer because they know that this kind of scrutiny will determine if someone has been lying about their past experience. Private Investigators also have access to databases where they can find information about potential employees, which helps them verify whether an applicant has been convicted previously or not.


Types of Areas a Comprehensive Background Check will Uncover

Private investigators are skilled in the art of background checks. They will be able to uncover myriad aspects of your caregiver’s personal and professional life that you might not otherwise know about, including:

1 – Criminal Background

A criminal background check is a standard tool used by private investigators to conduct thorough checks for convictions or arrests on a person. It is performed on all nannies, employees, volunteers, and board members during a typical investigation. In fact, it is one of the first things we do when starting an investigation and often results in information that can be used for additional inquiries down the road.

2 – Verification of Experience, Education & Qualifications

When hiring a nanny, it is essential to know that the person you are hiring has the experience and qualifications that you need. A background check can verify whether a nanny has experience working with numerous families, education from a course or local organization, and any certifications related to childcare and development.

For example, if your nanny claims to have worked with children in another country, but their resume shows they only spent one year as a babysitter in Canada before moving abroad, then this would raise some red flags.

If your child is autistic or has special needs when you aren’t home yet, then it would be wise for you to verify that your potential nanny has experience working with special needs children before making any offers of employment.

3 – Financial Background & Wellness

After treating children correctly, theft is the major concern of most families. They want the peace of mind that a nanny is not going to steal heirlooms or highly desirable items from the home. After all, this is someone that will have access to your residence when you are not around. It makes sense to look a little deeper into the financial backgrounds of your potential nanny to ensure they do not have any serious incentives to steal.

4 – Character Checks

A character check is essential to ensure your nanny is the best fit for your family. A character check may involve speaking with references, talking with friends, or looking at the public profile of the nanny in question. The goal is to make sure there is a quality reputation and standard of character for the individual to maintain the good name of your family in both a private and public setting.

5 – Driving Record

Did you know that a nanny’s driving record is just as important as their criminal history? It’s true! A driving record can show if the nanny has a history of accidents and tickets. It can also show if the nanny has a history of DUIs and other alcohol-related offenses, reckless driving, or suspended licenses.

If your potential new hire is going to be driving your beloved children around on road trips or to and from school, it’s important that they have a clean driving record.

6 – Online Presence

At the end of your background check, you will have a comprehensive report of your nanny’s past, present, and future. As you can see from the list above, there are many ways to uncover information about an individual’s character through social media. Looking at social media gives you a good idea of the regular activities of your nanny. If they are staying out night after night and not able to remain awake when managing your children, they may not be the best solution.


How a PI Can Secure Your Home for a New Nanny

While we at Privin Network do not perform installation, we can offer suggestions on various nanny cams and audio/video tools to ensure your home is safe and secure while a nanny is present. We often recommend you inform your nanny these items are present. It gives them the benefit of the doubt that you trust them and they are there only as a precaution and allows you the peace of mind that your home is safe and secure.


Helping Nannies Stay with Families

A background check is a great way to ensure that your nanny has a solid record and is someone you can trust. You should also make sure that they have good references, but this will not necessarily tell you whether or not the person is qualified for the job. A private investigator offers more insight into their personality and work ethic than a simple reference does.

The best nannies are happy with their jobs because they enjoy being around children and families. They also have high standards for themselves; they care about leaving a good impression on their employers, which means they will probably stay with them longer than other candidates who only do it for money or benefits.

A good private investigator will know how to protect your family from potential harm caused by having an unscrupulous person in their employ, as well as helping ensure that all of their needs are met by this individual.

At Privin Network, we have highly trained private investigators to verify your nanny is capable and qualified to care for your precious children. We will work hard to create a comprehensive report so that when you do find a nanny you like, you can rest easy knowing they are whom they say they are. Give our team a call today and let our experts be the final step in your nanny hiring journey.

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