How a Private Investigator Helps with Cases of Revenge Porn

How a Private Investigator Helps with Cases of Revenge Porn

Revenge porn is nothing new. It’s been around for decades and has only recently received a lot more attention than it did in the past. With so many devices available at our fingertips, it makes it incredibly easy to share private photos that were given in trust to the rest of the world. This is a serious issue and a crime in most of the United States.

We at Privin Network take revenge porn seriously. Many of our team members come from law enforcement backgrounds. We have seen the damage this type of activity can have on an individual, their families, friends, and careers. We will work diligently to ensure any case that falls under this category is pursued as far as possible.


What is Revenge Porn

Revenge porn is the posting of nude or sexually explicit photos or videos of an individual without their consent. It’s a form of cyberbullying, sexual harassment, and gender-based violence.

In many countries, revenge porn is illegal to post online without the subject’s permission—but that doesn’t mean it won’t happen anyway. Many victims are embarrassed enough to not want to report what happened until it’s too late and there has been damage done in their personal lives as well as professional ones.


Is this like Sextortion?

Revenge porn, also known as nonconsensual pornography (NCP), is a form of sexual exploitation. It can be used as blackmail against victims in order to extort money from them. This type of cybercrime can occur when someone sends intimate photos or videos without consent, which are then shared online for the purpose of humiliation. While revenge porn may appear similar to sextortion and extortion, it does not cover all forms of this crime.


Is Revenge Porn Illegal?

Revenge porn is illegal in many states, but not all. In some cases, revenge porn can be shared with the intent of blackmailing an individual or coercing them into performing a sexual act. This form of cyberbullying can cause severe damage to a person’s reputation and emotional well-being.

If you find yourself being threatened with exposure by someone who has shared intimate photos or videos online, we recommend consulting with an experienced attorney immediately. If your case does not fall under any specific state laws that protect victims from revenge porn exposure, we would still recommend contacting a lawyer so that they can advise you on how best to handle this situation and help prevent further harm from happening as a result of what happened already.

A good private investigator will be able to assist in gathering evidence for legal actions against those who are trying to extort others through the use of sharing intimate photos or videos without consent.


How Does Revenge Porn Harm the Victims?

Revenge porn can have far-reaching consequences for the victim. In addition to the humiliation and embarrassment of having intimate photos or videos posted online, victims may also experience:

  • Loss of reputation
  • Loss of income
  • Loss of relationships and friendships
  • Loss of family members, including children who feel betrayed by their parents’ actions
  • Loss of self-confidence and self-esteem
  • Loss of trust in others (including future romantic partners)

The psychological effects are also severe. Many victims experience feelings like shame, embarrassment, depression, and anxiety that linger long after any prosecution has ended. They may suffer from PTSD as well as symptoms like insomnia or nightmares—not only because they’ve been threatened with violence but also because they fear being harassed again.


What Does a PI Do to Help?

A private investigator is a trained individual who can help you gather the evidence you need to prove that someone has been posting revenge porn about you. If necessary, they will work with other law enforcement agencies, such as the police or your local district attorney’s office. Additional steps may include:


1- Locate Where it is Posted & Document Everything

The first step in your case is to find where the photo was posted. Revenge porn has a wide range of distribution platforms, including:

  • Social media (Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat)
  • Image hosting sites (Imgur)
  • File sharing sites (4Shared)
  • And more

Once our digital forensic experts have identified where the photo was posted, then you can move on to finding out who posted it and who is behind this revenge porn attempt.


2- Use DMCA Takedown Notices

DMCA takedown notices are a legal way to remove content, and they’re also a type of takedown notice. DMCA takedown notices are used to remove copyrighted material from the internet. You can file DMCA takedown notices with sites like Google and Facebook if you believe that someone is infringing on your copyright by posting stolen images or videos.


3 – Create a Verifiable History of Harassment

We will want to write down everything that has happened since the incident occurred. For example: “On Tuesday morning, I woke up and found out my ex was posting revenge porn on Facebook.”

Try to be as detailed as possible when describing the situation. Include who you spoke with and what they said in response to your request for help. If you have screenshots or recordings of conversations between yourself and others involved—such as friends, family members or employers—this will also help corroborate your story later on if needed.


4 – Investigate Potential Targets

You’re going to need to make sure that the person who is responsible for distributing these images is found and prosecuted. This can be a long process, but it’s important that you don’t give up on this step. You may also want to look into whether or not there are any potential targets, as well as victims.


5 – Present Evidence to Court, Lawyer, or Law Enforcement

Once we have gathered all the evidence in your case, it is time to present it. Depending on what kind of case you’re dealing with, this will vary a bit. The final decision will be up to you, but we can make recommendations if necessary. We want you to have the peace of mind and power to decide the fate of your case.


6 – Help Protect Client’s Identity

We will always protect your identity when possible during this type of case. You have had a serious violation of your trust infringed upon already. You should not be exposed over and over again. That is why we place a high value on open, clear, and transparent communication every step of the way for your benefit.


We Want You to Feel Empowered

You are not alone.

You are not to blame.

And you can take action.

We want you to feel empowered and encouraged and know that you have a voice and options when it comes to your case of revenge porn. We will not judge or blame you for what has happened because we understand how difficult this situation can be for those involved. You deserve justice, even if it seems like an impossible task at first glance.

Revenge porn is a serious issue in the digital age. With social media and online dating sites, it can be so easy for someone to post intimate photos or videos of you without your knowledge. This is why it’s important to hire a private investigator if you have been victimized by revenge porn.

Our expert and professional team at Privin Network can work with you to ensure this violation is where the pain stops and the healing begins. We will work closely with you every step of the way and do our best to offer advice and verifiable evidence so you can choose what happens next.

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