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Will Pretexting Be A Thing Of The Past?


Pretexting Be A Thing Of The Past The FCC has recently released a mandate in reference to pretexting and the phone companies guidelines to implement

Obtaining all of the facts necessary to put a case together can be one of the most trying tasks for a private investigator to undertake. Observing

Are Private Investigators Worth It? I get asked this question quite frequently. “Are Private Investigators Worth It?” The answer

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Investigating Cohabitation Situations for Alimony, Child Custody, and Financial Settlements


Cohabitation is living with someone under the same roof in a romantic or sexual relationship. It is becoming increasingly common because of today’s

What to Do If You Suspect a Business Partner of Embezzlement


You don’t go into business hoping to be betrayed, but it happens. Unfortunately, there are times when a trusted partner or employee can decide