Workers’ compensation is an integral part of any corporate structure that helps workers injured at the workplace to get fair compensation for medical and post-treatment care. It is meant to ensure that workers are fairly compensated for helping them through the recovery process.
However, millions of cases are reported each year of employees abusing this benefit to avail unwarranted compensation. We at Privin Consulting Network help organizations scrutinize, investigate, and screen through the fraudulent claims for workers’ compensation benefits to ensure no unjust claims are approved and necessary actions can be taken against the fraudulent employee(s).
When workers’ compensation benefits are unjustly claimed, it hurts the organization’s profitability, productivity, and increases overall expenses. Because insurance companies are paid for, and when claims are approved unjustly, the premiums of these plans go up drastically, which are paid for by employers. We at Privin Consulting Network look through all the factors in the claim and independently and confidentially conduct workplace investigation to get to the root of the matter. It helps us identify suspicious factors that may not be seen by employers.
At Privin Consulting Networks, we have a team of licensed and bonded private investigators with years of experience in the industry. Our private investigators would perform due diligence while ensuring the entire investigation takes place in an unbiased and comprehensive manner. Any potential fraud or evidence of an employee defrauding the employer is unearthed through our proprietary investigative mechanism, developed through years of experience and practice in corporate investigation and profiling.